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Why Should I Automate?

There are many reasons why people choose to automate portions of their business (or even their personal lives).  Automation allows people to get more stuff done faster. It is perfect for those tasks which are simple but time consuming. It is also perfect for tasks which are more complicated and hard for people to remember but can be broken down into logical steps. These are the types of processes that people forget stuff or make mistakes. Elephant Automation also can act as the glue between different software systems, which up until now haven’t communicated well with each other. This allows for more streamlined automation of your business processes. Another benefit that using an automation package brings you is that you will understand your processes at a much deeper level.

Get More Done, Faster!

At it’s simplest level, automation software lets you move the mouse faster, type stuff with the keyboard faster. But there is an astounding number of reasons why it takes us longer than necessary to complete tasks. As we use increasingly complex software systems, many of our employees struggle to keep up. We forget all the nuances of processes if we haven’t done them in a while, so we have to ask someone for help or go find documentation for how to do the task. Elephant Automation doesn’t get distracted from it’s work and it doesn’t need to be reminded how to do it. It just does what you want when you want it to.

Bring Different Systems Together.

As the business world gets more competitive and complicated, we create systems to deal with the added complexity. We buy software which helps us streamline certain parts of our processes, but none of them are truly tailored for our exact requirements. Often we have to enter the same data into different software systems or we have data stored in different software packages that we want to use in a more cohesive manner. Elephant Automation makes it easier to get data from one software and bring it to the other software in a format that it understands. This will reduce the amount of time you spend copying and pasting stuff dramatically.

Reduce Mistakes and Improve Compliance.

People make mistakes. People forget to do stuff. It’s part of being human, but your business doesn’t like mistakes. Your processes depend on tasks being done in a certain way and on time. In the manufacturing world, we use 6 Sigma to drive out variation and non-conformities, but we don’t always follow suit in the office environment. Does your process suffer when key people are on vacation or when you bring in extra people to help in a crunch? When it’s crunch time do you have people that skip steps to save time, only to cause further problems later on? Elephant Automation doesn’t make the mistakes that people make and it doesn’t skip steps. Even in situations demanding human inputs, Elephant Automation can help ensure that they complete all the steps that are necessary for your process.